Christmas miracles aren't just the stuff of claymation holiday specials and Frank Capra films. They happen to real people every year, and Modest Needs has proof. In the two days leading up to Christmas 2011, Modest Needs donors from across the country pooled their resources to fully fund seventy-four applications in just forty-eight hours.
That means seventy-four individuals (plus their family members) woke up on Christmas morning to the news that their grants had been funded. Families were pulled back from the edge of eviction. Outstanding medical bills were paid. Heat and hot water were restored to homes. Funds for auto repairs were released to car owners. And, in one very special case, an Army National Guard member was granted the money to pay for his mother's burial expenses.
It's a wonderful life indeed.
Modest Needs was overwhelmed by the outpouring of warm words from our Christmas grant recipients, words which were the true embodiment of "holiday cheer." We felt it only fair to share these words with you, our donors and supporters, since you were the ones who made each of these Christmas miracles possible:
Application: Autistic Boy Given Up By Parents (Shrewsbury, MA)
On today of all days, you don't know how huge a gift you've given to me and my nephew. What a wonderful day indeed. I can't wait to call my sister to tell her the good news. She has supported me through the advocacy process and comforted me when she knew I needed it. I have to tell you that I feel comforted and blessed right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I will keep you in my prayers, always.
Application: Single Mom Desperately Needs Help (Terra Haute, IN)
My daughter and I want to THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for helping us to get our van fixed. This is has turned out to be a wonderful Christmas for us, truly a miracle. God Bless each and everyone of you, you are our angels. I am sitting here crying happy tears because of you. There was no money for gifts this year, but this is the best gift we could get. We have been praying everyday. Thank you again for your help, we will remember this for the rest of our lives and be forever thankful for all of you.
Application: Urgent Rental Help Needed (Meriden, CT)
I was amazed to wake up and see that our application was funded this morning! What a wonderful Christmas gift for my family! We're feeling a great weight lifted from our minds and hearts. The relief is uplifting and we're overwhelmed with the generosity of the donors who made this possible. We honestly can't thank everyone enough, it feels like we had angels watching over us. We can go into 2012 confident that our year will be so much easier now that we'll be caught up with our finances. And we'll be welcoming our daughter in March! We're blessed to have had these people come into our lives and we won't forget how they changed not just our situation, but our lives!
Application: Disabled Couple Needs Working Vehicle to Stay Well (Youngstown, AZ)
"Thank You" is truly not enough. You have given us a True Christmas Miracle today. Your warmth and generosity will get our 'wheels,' and us, back on our feet safely, so that I may pursue the position of Dialysis Patient Technician and be able to perform dialysis at home for Kimberly in the New Year. No more getting up at 3:00AM to struggle under the hood with the car battery, or check the tire conditions and pressures, before driving her to her dialysis unit three days a week! Thank you and God Bless You, Modest Needs!
Application: Funeral Expenses to Bury My Mother (Providence, RI)
Your generosity, selflessness and sacrifice, which led to the funding of my Modest Needs application to help me with my mother's burial expenses, are the best Christmas present I could have ever received. As you know, I am a soldier in the Army National Guard. When my sister died unexpectedly this April, I was devastated. As my family and I tried to come to terms with her loss and move on, my mother became gravely ill. I could only hope I would not be deployed and would be in the country to be with her during her last days. Well, God granted me those days with her. However, since I had incurred the expenses of my sister's funeral just 4 months ago and was now on active duty orders for the Army, there was no money leftover to use or even try to save to pay for my mother's final expenses. That was a painful and devastating reality. After I submitted my application I waited and anxiously checked the status of my application each day. I had all but given up hope that the application would be funded when I received the wonderful news, and all I could do is say prayers of thanksgiving and praise to God for all of you as tears of joy streamed down my face. You cannot imagine how deeply I have been touched by your kindness. I will never, ever forget this.
From our Modest Needs family to yours, thank you for making these holiday miracles possible.