I hope you've heard one part of our big announcement for the week: the unveiling of the much-anticipated Modest Needs Gift Certificate!
Why consider a Gift Certificate from Modest Needs this holiday season? Let us count the ways...
1. Because it really is the thought that counts.
2. Because you're in the market a meaningful gift that won't necessarily
break the bank.
3. Because over the years, you've given one too many scarves, picture
frames, and sweaters.
4. Because a gift certificate is even better than a straight donation;
you're contributing financially and spreading the word about Modest Needs at
the same time.
5. Because you're not just making a donation in someone's name -- you're
offering him/her the chance to hand-select a deserving person to help.
6. Because what else can you buy for as little as $10 that will change
someone's life forever?
7. Because you just can't face the crowds at the mall.
8. Because it's a two-for-one deal: You're buying a gift for someone you
love, and giving a stranger one in the process.
9. Because you're shopping for the person who has everything already.
10. Because giving -- and getting -- feels even better when you know
you're rescuing someone on the brink of poverty.