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July 30, 2010


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I had been an adjunct instructor for six years with only a bachelor's degree, living from paycheck to paycheck with second and third jobs trying to support myself and a car. In 2008 I moved to a larger city to go to graduate school and suddenly I found myself without a job and had to sell my car. As my life spiraled downward getting groceries home to myself and my aged mother (86) was futile. 25.00/one way for cab fare and 3.00/day to ride public transportation. It was horrible. I now have a knee injury from trying to carry bags home on the bus. Finally I was able to save up enough money, my school employed me after one year and part financial aid I bought a 14 yr old car. I just spent 340.00 today on repairs. Attempting to get around when you live in poverty is tough. I have a bicycle and try to ride to get things when I can or when my car is in repair. I'm going to be 60 next month.

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