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August 31, 2010


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1) The projects in 1st and 2nd are tiny, and local, and unknown, and one is a for-profit business that, to put it bluntly, is using this tragedy as a way to generate massive business for themselves that wouldn't otherwise exist.

2) I haven't been able to get the MN page to open to the point where I could vote on it for at least a week (even on a T4 line that's used for generating daily hydraulics data from hundreds of sites).

This whole business is very, very suspicious. Since there's so much cash, AND so much trust involved, I sincerely hope the ICC (or whomever would handle something like this) calls for an audit. I'm off to cc them with my concerns.

P.S. The site to visit is http://www.stopfraud.gov/protect-other.html.

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