Today, a little story about human kindness and community generosity that will warm even the coldest, blackest hearts.
Ten days ago the Application of the Day was from a wife whose husband suffers from MS. They had traded in a life insurance policy so that they could buy a recumbent trike, a vehicle that allowed this man to be independent, healthy and mobile. It changed his life for the better, in numerous ways. Until that trike was stolen.
The request from his loving wife was truly touching--it's obvious how much she cares for her spouse and was upset over the loss of quality of life.
Much to the delight of the staff here at Modest Needs, we recieved a phone call from the wife to let us know she'd like her request pulled from our site. That is because after she wrote about the stolen trike in her local paper, a t.v. news station picked up the story. That piece generated enough donations that this couple now has two recumbent trikes. Now this couple can ride together.
Watch these touching video stories about how the town of Des Moine stepped up to aid a neighbor in his time of need. You'll be happy you did.
I am so glad to hear this. I saw the request and went to find something to donate. When I got back the next day the request was gone and it had not been funded. I was pretty bummed. Thanks for letting us know about this happy ending.
Posted by: Sandy G | April 27, 2011 at 08:04 PM