It's that time again--New Years Eve, a night where folks throw confetti, wear glittery accessories and make lofty resolutions to do something bigger, better or not at all in the year to come.
The Modest Needs family has decided to skip the confetti (too much clean-up) and glittery accessories (it's an office, not a Vegas musical revue), but we can absolutely get behind the New Year's resolution tradition. Both the individuals and the organization as a whole have some goals set for 2012, and we're sharing them in hopes that you'll share a few of yours back:
Keith, Founder and President:
Every year, I make some variation of the same resolution - lose weight, exercise more, take better care of myself physically. This year, instead of going after symptoms, I'm going after the problem itself: stress. I'm sure that 2012 will have its share of stressful situations, and while I may not be able to control whether or not those situations arise, I have decided I can control my reaction to them. So my resolution is to spend as much time laughing with friends and family as possible while learning 'not to sweat the small stuff!'
Kate, Client Advocacy Specialist:
My New Year's resolution is short and simple--to make more time to be with my family.
Allie, Client Advocacy Specialist:
I'm going to start wearing a belt. Seriously, that's it. I'm just going to try and wear a belt more often.
Kimberly, Director of Public Outreach:
I'm going to try and watch my potty mouth in 2012. I'm from New Jersey, and we Garden Staters have been known to use expletives the way most people use punctuation marks. So in 2012 I'm going to try and be less liberal with the curse words and just a little more demure overall.
And of course, Modest Needs as a whole has an important resolution (or two) for 2012:
We really have two resolutions at Modest Needs. First, and most practically, is to meet the 21 March 2012 deadline we've set for ourselves for the launch of Modest Needs' new website. More importantly, though, all of us at Modest Needs would like for 2012 to be our 'breakthrough' year. We've now had ten years to learn how to do this work with compassion and efficiency. In the final months of this year, we saw the impact of that type of operational model on Modest Needs' applicants, who received the assistance they'd requested in record numbers. In 2012, we'd simply like to be able to say at the close of the year that we were able to get help to a minimum of 80% of the people who came to us seeking assistance - and that we were able to help these people within two weeks of their having applied for help. If we can do this, then Modest Needs' 10th anniversary year will also have been the best year ever for our donors and applicants, and I don't think we could ask for more than that!
So we dished. What are YOUR New Year's resolutions?
Happy New Years to you and yours, and here's wishing all a lush, lucky and loved 2012!