Remember the "Latte of Shame?" (Here's a shot to jog your memory.) 
The Latte of Shame got us thinking. Trading overpriced espresso drinks for a cuppa regular drip coffee freed up $60 per month for one individual to give to charity--$60 dollars that helped this man buy new tools after losing everything in a fire, and fund this woman's request for teeth to keep her smiling.
Giving up loose pocket change literally changed lives.
With that in mind, we're launching our DecafCharity Experiment just in time for the holidays.
Starting December 12, 2011, we're asking you to give up just a little (one cup of coffee) to give back a lot. Here's how you can participate:
The DecafCharity Experiment
1. Give up just ONE cup of morning coffee and donate the money you've saved by doing so to a Modest Needs applicant. (That's $2-$5 depending on where you get your caffeine fix.)
2. If you're particularly flush and cannot part with your morning dose of dark roast, donate the equivalent of one cup of coffee to a Modest Needs applicant.
3. Encourage others to do the same by taking to the Internet and sharing what you've done.
We're especially encouraging people to use Twitter to spread the word. By sharing your participation with the hashtag #DecafCharity on Twitter, Modest Needs will be able to track exactly how many people have donated or inspired others to give.
On Monday December 12, 2011, we'll send out the first #DecafCharity tweet, a short ditty that will lead potential donors directly to a list of Modest Needs applicants so the funding can begin. Twitter donors can simply retweet that tweet in order to get things rolling.
For those of you who can't stand Twitter, there will also be a Facebook share option.
The #DecafCharity hashtag isn't exclusive to Modest Needs. It's a hashtag any charity can adopt--and we encourage them to do so. The DecafCharity Experiment is meant to remind any donor that one minor sacrifice can make a difference anywhere. It can also connect charities, allowing us to monitor our shared message of giving via a simple hashtag. We invite you to add the #DecafCharity hashtag to your holiday Twitter appeals.
Changing a life this holiday season is as easy as going without one cup of coffee (and taking to Twitter for a single tweet). If that isn't a gift, we don't know what is.