Modest Needs was created to protect members of the working poor from hitting the poverty line. More often than not, however, we get requests from individuals who already have slipped into the cycle of poverty and now need help getting out of it. Today's applicant of the day is one such individual.
Our Application of the Day comes from a single man living alone with disability payments as his lone source of income. Limited by income, he was forced to take an apartment in a decaying, unsafe neighborhood, a choice that has put his health, and life, in jeopoardy. Now that his lease is up he desperately wants to move to a safer neighborhood. There's just one problem--he can't afford the moving truck that would take his possessions to his new, safer home. His modest need? A few hundred dollars to move him to a happier home.
Read on to learn more about this applicant in his own words, and to discover how you can help.
"I am a single, disabled male living in a very poor, dangerous environment. There are good people here, but overall it is a degenerate neighborhood where the rental agents and the police will do nothing to help those of us trying to live our lives peacefully.
I very much need to leave my residence as soon as I can. My lease expires at the end of the month, but I do not have the funds to pay for a truck to move what I presently own. The disability income I receive is not enough to pay for moving expenses. I really could use the assistance. I have made many calls and have found what appears to be the cheapest moving rental possible.
Assistance with this moving truck will be an enormous help to me. If this grant is not funded I am not quite certain what I will do. Without funding I will have to leave what I currently own in the current abominable residence I stay in, and will lose my security deposit due to the unmoved furniture I will have to leave behind. It is not safe for me to stay here, so I must go.
The whole situation is rather stressful and worrying. I feel I have no choice but to move for health and other logistical reasons. Getting the funds for this move has proven near-impossible on my own. As I cannot do it alone, I truly could use the assistance.
If I can get out of the residence and county I am in, it would improve my quality of life in so many ways. I am searching for a rental in a safer, quieter area where I can feel healthier and at ease. I believe my health and most everything else will improve with this move. I'm truly looking forward to being able to move, and have prayed for help to come make it possible. Thank you for considering me."
Click here to help fund this grant directly.