You might think that if money is tight for you, as it is for many people in this low employment, expensive gasoline economy that it is impossible for you to help others in need. If you struggle to pay rent each month, how can you help someone else with hers?
This line of thinking is understandable, but what you may not realize is that your desire to help someone else doesn't have to be squashed due to a stretched budget. It takes zero dollars to make a difference in the life of someone who is going without. Zero. In fact, all you need is a willingness to reach out.
The note below is from a very recent Modest Needs grant recipient thanking the donors who made her request possible. Pay particular attention to the sentence in bold.
"I am thanking the good Lord and all of you kind and wonderful people for helping me at my time of need. I can't hardly believe it. A friend from another website suggested Modest Needs when I was at my lowest, so I applied with a prayer in my heart. Since I applied my electric bill situation has only gotten worse and this will bring it current! I can breathe again! I am so grateful for this help, thank you, thank you, thank you. There will come a day when I will pay this forward thanks to you kind people."
This someone she is referring to changed this individual's life for the better. And how did she do it? Not with a donation, but with her mouth.
You don't need a red cent to tell someone else about Modest Needs. You don't need a single penny to share the word about this organization that helps otherwise self-sufficient people--people who have no where else to turn--get back on track and prevent them from falling into poverty.
If you know someone who could use a hand up with car repairs, missed bills, accessibility equipment or any other financial emergency, tell them about Modest Needs. Or link to us on Facebook. Or write about our mission on Twitter. There are countless ways to share the word about what we do.
But! Don't think you have to wait until you know of someone in dire straights to spread the message. The fact of the matter is that often people have overwhelming financial emergencies, but they are too ashamed or afraid to tell anyone. Sad, but true. So, don't hesitate to tell others about Modest Needs--even if you don't know of a specific money problem. You never know who might need our help.
I challenge you to tell one other person about Modest Needs today. You can call, text, tweet, update your Facebook, write on your blog (you've been meaning to update it!) or discuss it over coffee. Telling just one other person today about Modest Needs might mean preventing them or someone they know from the vicious cycle of poverty.
You don't need extra cash to make an extra huge difference. Communication is just as vital. Spread the word today.
[Photo by Flavia]